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It has transformed the simple self-portrait into something more immediate and has grown in cultural importance – it’s been linked to identity, self-exploration and narcissism. In a culture defined by the selfie, nothing has lasting value but the self. Which means everyone and everything can be disposed of whenever something better shows up. Another way to embrace selfie culture while marketing your brand, is to take note of special calendar dates, particularly national events as there’s a whole lot of them. National Facemask Day, for instance, inspired Lush Cosmetics to get creative with a campaign that essentially said – use our facemasks, post a pic, win a prize.

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Selfie culture is a social phenomenon dating back almost 40,000 years and is not set to die out anytime soon, experts reveal. According to author Katrin Tiidenberg we have now reached 'peak selfie 2018-01-12 · The word ‘selfie’ may bring to mind an adolescent girl making duck faces at an iPhone, seemingly oblivious to her surroundings, or a daredevil hanging off a skyscraper moments from death 2014-08-07 · The selfie has become something almost cultural, standing alone in the second decade of the twenty-first century. Whether an individual wanting to share their experience atop the world’s highest peak, actors at the Oscars, the President of the United States, the Mars rover, work colleagues or friends, anybody can take part and define their individual moment, share it and post-it.

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For example, But as I explored the selfie culture, and experienced it for myself, I developed a more well rounded perspective. And now that I’ve lived a day in the life of the #selfie, I’d like to share my thoughts on the selfie culture – the good, the bad and the ugly.

Define selfie culture

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Define selfie culture

The history of the selfie is a good bit longer than you may have thought. For example, But as I explored the selfie culture, and experienced it for myself, I developed a more well rounded perspective. And now that I’ve lived a day in the life of the #selfie, I’d like to share my thoughts on the selfie culture – the good, the bad and the ugly.

However, the selfie was first coined on Flickr in 2004. The Truth About Selfie Culture By Michele Mose s April 30, 2018 The selfie, that ubiquitous symbol of millennial navel-gazing, is often used as Exhibit A in the argument by older generations that "People are using the selfie as a means of claiming ownership of their bodies, identities, and lives." A selfie tourist is someone more interested in posting a perfectly staged selfie at the latest trendy travel destination.
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Selfie culture is defined as the action of actively posting self portraits on digital platforms and it is taken with the user positioning the camera at themselves. It is considered a culture because the constant action of sharing self images with the World Wide Web is used as an expression that people begin to identify with.