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Then, a "Pattern Page" design is for you! This listing is for a two-page PDF file, containing 4 plastic canvas designs for mason jars (plus one bonus heart jar design). Fireplace Log Holder with Canvas Tote Carrier Indoor Fire Wood Rack overall open 18in long by 16.5in wide, 20.5in high, a perfect portable firewood log carrier measures 40.16in by 15.55 in when flattened, this firewood log carrier allows a large wood tote capacity, to hold 5-10 logs wood for a long winter night. Saknar du designkunskaper?

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4.5 out of 5 stars 286. £28.99 Kabria Cosada Iron and Canvas Fireplace Log Holder. $65.51. Free shipping. Firewood Bucket Fireplace Log Rack Holder Carrier Steel Indoor Copper Finish. $135.89. Free shipping.