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Ranking programming languages by pay and number of openings. Python: Possibly the best coding language according to the data, Python is tied for #1 in Average Salary with Ruby, which ranks lower on total job listings available. Ruby developers earn a median salary of $71,000 globally and $130,000 in the US. This open source programming language was created by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, who blended the best parts of his Average salary: $140K. Objective-C. The Objective-C programming language is used to develop apps in the Apple ecosystem: for Mac OS X and iOS.
MySQL, XML-AJAX, NGINX, Adobe Illustrator, Kotlin, Ruby and More, Interna, Passing Juice Salary Negotiation – How to Ask for and Receive a Pay Raise, Interna av N Stahl · 2008 — EA Games – Electronic Arts (EA) is an American developer, marketer, Vivendi Games – is a global French developer, publisher and distributor of interactive Chaplin, H., & Ruby, A. (2005). Game Developer's 2nd Annual Salary Survey. Adaptive and innovative Full Stack Developer - Zaplox ett innovativt konsultbolag i Lund, söker just nu en duktig utvecklare med erfarenhet av Ruby on Rails. Erfarenhet av Ruby & Ruby on Rails i världen, vi har bland annat besökt RubyConf i Chicago och varit på Fullstack Fest i Barcelona Front End Developer.
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According to PayScale, a junior Ruby on Rails salary stands at $59,655 per year. Glassdoor, similarly to the average salary, provides a higher amount of $77,337 per year. An early career Ruby Software Developer / Programmer with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of €47,500 based on 12 salaries.
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We are looking for an experience Ruby on Rails developer for our customer.
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Ruby is quick and inexpensive to learn. Plenty of online sites offer affordable Ruby programming and The salary for this language is 33.4% higher than the global average salary. Where to learn it: This helpful e-book is great for people with a coding background.