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sed: Function s/\/\/ cannot be parsed. To see where these special characters are I used a very nice vi/vim feature that allows you to turn visibility of the special characters in the file. To turn this feature on from command mode (‘esc’) type: :set list Here is before “set list” and after: To turn display of special characters off type: :set nolist In vim just type search pattern and then scan with n or N. If the search fails, then no \r. You can get your answer in a couple of seconds. /\r or / .

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On 20/05/08 15:35, [hidden email] wrote: > I need see if there are any control characters in a file > how ot see all of them I. Displaying. By default, control characters are displayed, e.g. ESC as ^[, CR as ^M (except on the Mac) etc. Control characters above 0x7F may be displayed either in hex as <80> <81> <82> etc. or as ~@ ~A ~B ~C etc. (where ~ means "Ctrl+Meta+") The following exceptions 2011-05-20 · To remove the ^M characters at the end of all lines in vi, use::%s/^V^M//g.

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Improve this answer. I found out (from this comment) that recent versions of Vim (since patch 7.4.710) have a space option of listchars. The dot . is quite good for it, but you can also use unicode characters such as the middle dot ·.

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See also. Quick Links UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers . how to see special characters in a file using vi. This is called quoting, and there are three ways to do it.

Vi see special characters

Sometimes Word will just format things oddly and it’s not really clear what is going on. Seeing the formatting codes will really help. 1. Go into the Format menu 2. Click Reveal Formatting 3.
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Vi see special characters

Sometimes developer needs to check the text if has some hidden characters before storing it in the database. Just type the text in the box and the hidden characters would be revealed.

Control characters above 0x7F may be displayed either in hex as <80> <81> <82> etc. or as ~@ ~A ~B ~C etc. (where ~ means "Ctrl+Meta+") The following exceptions Visual) Editor Reference manual. The vi is a text editor.
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