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Erasmus+ at the University of Vienna. Welcome to the information website for Erasmus+ Incoming students! Within the Erasmus+ programme, students from Erasmus+ partner universities are entitled to study at the University of Vienna for one or two semesters. The prerequisite for this is that there has to be an Inter-Institutional Agreement (IIA) with the partner university assigned to the In general, students are expected complete 30 ECTS credits during an ERASMUS semester. In order to be eligible for the ERASMUS grant, a minimum of 3 recognised ECTS per month is required. Should these minimum requirements not be met, the grant would have to be repaid.

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ERASMUS-Code A WIEN01 Webseite   7, N/A, Universität Wien, Austria, Vienna, Erasmus+, 2, 30 ECTS, 8, #198, University of Antwerp  Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, eller WU som det kallas i folkmun är ett väldigt stort Via EBN (Erasmus Buddy Network) ansökte jag också om en österrikisk buddy. Är du intresserad av fler reseberättelser, kontakta Skriv ut.

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Hope you enjoy your stay and have a lot of fun @ many Parties in Vienna! Erasmus outgoing - second semester 2020/21.

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Universität Wien | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Wien | T +43-1-4277-0 Sitemap | Impressum | Barrierefreiheit | Datenschutz­erklärung | Druckversion Universität Wien | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Wien | T +43-1-4277-0 Erasmus+ Studienaufenthalte sind zwischen 3 und 12 Monaten möglich. Maximale Aufenthaltsdauer: In jedem Studienlevel (Bachelor, Master, Doktorat) sind Erasmus+ Aufenthalte bis maximal 12 Monate möglich, unabhängig vom Typ (Studienaufenthalt/Praktika) und von der Anzahl der Mobilitäten (z.B. 2 Studienaufenthalte zu je 5 Monaten und ein Praktikum zu 2 Monaten). Prinzipiell sollten pro ERASMUS-Semester im Rahmen des CREOLE INTERNATIONAL TRACK Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß von 30 ECTS absolviert werden. Um einen ERASMUS-Zuschuss zu erhalten, müssen Sie in jedem Fall mindestens 3 an der Universität Wien anerkannte ECTS pro Monat erbringen.

Erasmus outgoing uni wien

Please note that the UK's participation in the Erasmus programme will continue until the end of any currently active projects. Therefore, students can continue to participate in exchange through the Erasmus Programme until May 2023, when our final project ends. Information about the Turing Programme, the UK's national Prof.
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Erasmus outgoing uni wien

BUW students interested in studying, working, taking a language course, or simply spending a period of time abroad, are on the right page here. Information on visits abroad for academic and non-academic staff News. Here you will find all current information concerning current calls, events and appointmens. General - Outgoing Erasmus+ Studienaufenthalte. Erasmus+ ist das Aktionsprogramm der Europäischen Union für Zusammenarbeit und Mobilität im Bildungsbereich.Die Universität Wien hat mit ca.

Nominations for the 2021/22 academic year are subject to There you will not only find important information about studying at the UAS Technikum Wien, but also an introduction to intercultural topics and Austrian culture. In addition to the Orientation Week programme, you will also find various leisure activities organised and carried out by the Erasmus … ERASMUS - Studying Abroad Studying Abroad - Outgoing ERASMUS. The ERASMUS Mobility Programme. From 2014, the ERASMUS Mobility programme will move into a new phase within the scope of the EU training programme, ERASMUS+.
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Klaus Richter.