Jump to navigation Jump to search. English Adjective . authorised (not comparable) Authorised is an alternative form of authorized. As adjectives the difference between authorised and authorized is that authorised is while authorized is allowed. As verbs the difference between authorised and authorized Authorised with Kevin Hillier is a podcast where authors get the chance to talk about their work: past, present and future.
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magtig يُفَوِّض، يَمْنَح سُلْطَه упълномощавам autorizar oprávnit, schválit bevollmächtigen, genehmigen bemyndige; tillade; give fuldmagt til εξουσιοδοτώ. autorizar. authorize. If the latter view is correct, then reasonable but mistaken self-defense does not qualify as an example of legally authorized, private preemption. From the Cambridge English Corpus. The office authorized him to exercise the power of management over the local shoe market on the office's behalf.
Authorised gives a voice to the words of many talented writers across a wide and interesting array of areas including food, sport, music, history, true crime, self help, entertainment, fiction and more. AUTHORISED 'AUTHORISED' is a 10 letter word starting with A and ending with D Crossword clues for 'AUTHORISED' To authorize is one of a large group of transitive verbs formed from nouns or adjectives which have a suffix with the sound /aɪz/.
An interruption of study involves taking a Learn how to get authorized to create and run ads about social issues, elections or politics. Skip to content. College of Policing. Contact us · Twitter; Print. Enter terms to search this site. Authorised Professional Practice.
Formal approval by the gatekeeping arm of a third-party payer for payment of a requested procedure. Description: Authorised with Kevin Hillier is a podcast where authors get the chance to talk about their work: past, present and future. Authorised gives a voice to the words of many talented writers across a wide and interesting array of areas including food, sport, music, history, true crime, self help, entertainment, fiction and more. Authorised Economic Operator, AEO, is an authorisation designed to increase the security in the world as well as to harmonise the customs related operations within the EU and make them more efficient. The AEO status is valid in all EU Member States. Every business, regardless of size, forming part of the international supply chain can apply to
that of the place where the applicant's record and documentation enabling the customs authority to take a decision (main accounts for customs purposes) are held or accessible (e.g. the place where the administrative headquarter of the applicant company is located), or.
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authorised synonyms, authorised pronunciation, Adj. 1.
authorised synonyms, authorised pronunciation, Adj. 1. authorised - endowed with authority authorized lawful - conformable to or allowed
Definition of authorised in the AudioEnglish.org Dictionary. Meaning of authorised. What does authorised mean?
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authorisedの意味や使い方 【形容詞】1権威を授けられた(endowed with authority)2確立した当局によって認可された(sanctioned by established authority) - 約1173万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。 Table 1: List of CCPs that have been authorised to offer services and activities in the Union No Name of the CCP Identification Code of CCP (LEI) Established in the Union or in a Third Country Country of establishment Competent authority (if established in the Union) Date of initial authorisation 1 Nasdaq OMX Clearing AB 54930002A8LR1AA UCU78 definition. Authorised Representative means any natural or legal person established within the Union who has received a written mandate from a manufacturer to act on his behalf in relation to specified tasks; Sample 1. An authorised representative may also carry out a conformity assessment of a medical device on behalf of the manufacturer. [2] European ‘Blue Guide" [3] describes that delegation of an authorised representative should be set out in writing (as an agreement, mandate, or power of attorney) to define contents and limits of tasks. Authorize.