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2021. Utchartrad till DFDS A/S, Köpenhamn vid leverans för trafik mellan Dover - Calais. 2021 04 12. Gick fartyget ut på provtur.
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They are 25% more fuel-efficient than existing vessels and with 215 metres in length they are much larger than today’s standard RoPax vessels, providing 30% more freight capacity with 3,100 lane meters. Stena Drilling is one of the world’s foremost independent drilling contractors, consisting of 4 ultra-deepwater drillships and 3 semi-submersible rigs. Stena RoPax Cyprus W0272 Ltd JKE Design 2018 ApS Stena Fairway SARL The Clyde Group Ltd Clyde Travel AB 3 anställda Omsättning 1 798 tkr Resultat -1 115 tkr Stena RoPax Cyprus W0272 Ltd JKE Design 2018 ApS Stena Fairway SARL The Clyde Group Ltd Clyde Travel AB 3 anställda Omsättning 1 798 tkr Resultat -1 115 tkr 2021-04-09 · Stena Line/Stena Rederi A/S announce the latest addition to their Baltic Sea fleet. The 186 metre long Visentini RoPax vessel Stena Livia will initially join sister vessel Stena Flavia on the Nynäshamn-Ventspils route from mid-April. Stena Line's new ro-pax Stena Estrid has gone into service on the Holyhead–Dublin route with the question of the vessel's flag at issue. The vessel was switched to the Cypriot flag at one of its stops en route to the UK from China.
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Farewell Stena Ro-pax. 2003-12-18. 14,50.
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Stena Line Keel laying ceremony for Stena Ropax W0264 at AVIC Shipyard, Weihai, China.pic.twitter.com/YISQdMvk2k. 0 replies 0 retweets 1 like. Reply. Retweet. Keel laying ceremony for Stena Ropax W0264 at AVIC Shipyard, Weihai, China.pic.twitter.com/YISQdMvk2k. 0 respostes 0 retuits A 1 li agrada. Respon.
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They are 25% more fuel-efficient than existing vessels and with 215 metres in length they are much larger than today’s standard RoPax vessels, providing 30% more freight capacity with 3,100 lane meters. Stena RoRo is one of the leading innovators of the roll on/roll off cargo and passenger concepts.
STENA JUTLANDICA. 2021-04-14 15:10. Masthuggskajen. Kommer levereras 2021 till Stena Ropax Cyprus Usd Ltd, Limassol, Cypern.
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STENA JUTLANDICA. 2021-04-14 15:10. Masthuggskajen. Kommer levereras 2021 till Stena Ropax Cyprus Usd Ltd, Limassol, Cypern. 2021. Utchartrad till DFDS A/S, Köpenhamn vid leverans för trafik mellan Dover Oslo cuts emissions with shore 09/01/19.