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R134A Refrigerant Gas. ₹ 460/ Kilogram Get Latest Price. We are dealing in R134A Refrigerant Gas. R134a is also known as Tetrafluoroethane (CF3CH2F) from the family of HFCrefrigerant. With the discovery of the damaging effect of CFCs and HCFCsrefrigerants to the ozone layer, the HFC family of refrigerant has been widely used as their replacement. In 1928 Thomas Midgley Jr. created the first non-flammable, non-toxic chlorofluorocarbon gas, Freon (R-12). The name is a trademark name owned by DuPont (now Chemours) for any chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC), or hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerant. HFC gas phase-out: India, US reach compromise to fight climate change HFC phase-out: Countries in Kigali are all set to finalise an agreement, by Friday night or Saturday morning, to amend the 1989 ozone-saving Montreal Protocol to enable it to eliminate the hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) gases as well. HFC Retrofit Refrigerant Gas, Packaging Type: Can, R134A.
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Greenhouse gas emissions by source, 1990–2010 . .
1935802 47706.948824 de 1900639 46840.372882
genom att inhala en lunga full av ny undergas och andas ut på en ljusflamma, Märken av Freon som innehåller hydrofluorkolväten (HFC) har istället ersatt 41976. distributary. 41977. regards. 41978. hfc 42781. gas-mask.
45. HFC-43-10mee. C5H2F10. 17.1.
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Air conditioners and refrigerators are cooled using the hydrofluorocarbon HCFC-22. An unwanted byproduct of the manufacturing of this refrigerant is HFC-23, which is a greenhouse gas nearly 13,000
Taking the lead on tackling climate change, India will eliminate the use of HFC-23, a greenhouse gas that harms the ozone layer, by 2030.
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Rupesh Kumar - Environmental Health Safety Specialist - Alfa
It exists in gas form when expose to the environment as the boiling Ozone is a gas that is naturally present in our atmosphere. and Global Warming Potentials of some halogen source gases and HFC substitute gases. HFC-type mixed refrigerant gas used for commercial refrigeration equipment, etc.