2020-02-01 · The past participle is stricken. When dealing with the verb "to strike" in a labour union context, the use of the past participle "struck" sounds awkward at best, and is confusing. If you write "the union struck three times since the 1970s" the reader is left to wonder "struck what?- a deal? or something else?". Irregular verb definition for 'to Strike', including the base form, past simple, past participle, 3rd person singular, present participle / gerund The past tense of go on strike is went on strike.

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1. Present Tense. Singular. I strike. 2008-06-03 2018-06-11 You/We/They had stroked.

They struck. Future Tense; 1. I shall strike.

This verb has multiple spellings of the past participle (listed above).

Strike past tense

Strike definition, to deal a blow or stroke to (a person or thing), as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer; hit. See more. Yes. Struck is the past tense of 'to undertake a strike against (an employer)'; (of a union or union member) - a. to declare or engage in a suspension of (work) until an employer grants certain demands, such as pay increases, an improved pension plan, etc. Strived is an erroneous past tense conjugation of strive. Most usage authorities recommend strove in the simple past and striven as a past participle , leaving no room for strived anywhere.
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Strike past tense

The subjects I, you, we are used as ‘have + struck’.

Simple Future Tense. He/She/It will/shall strike. The past tense of strike is struck.
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The present participle of go on strike is going on strike . The past participle of go on strike is gone on strike . Find more words!