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Eva Eva - Access E Article 2021

This license is between Akveo and you. Resale of unmodified Bundle or Bundle without End Product is a violation of intellectual rights and therefore is prohibited. akveo/ngx-admin Answer questions sukeshlaghate @yggg would it be possible to introduce input say "iconpack" variable which will accept icon pack name in nbmenuItem and nbactions? iconpack variable can have default pack name "eva" or "nb" (based on whether user has activated EvaIcons module or not) 2018-10-31 · Eva Icons is a pack of 480 delightful icons for free. Download Eva icons set to use them in your products for mobile and web apps.

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Let's Talk. Home Services Projects Web Design Express Design Hire Us. Website Design & Development. We create icons, illustrations, patterns and other custom graphics. 7.

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Loading Akveo is one of the best companies we've had a pleasure to work with. Staying extremely professional, they provided us with top-notch services. The app performed as expected, and we've got the excellent early user feedback.

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If you're not interested in using Eva Icons, learn how to integrate 3rd party Icon packages. Nebular icons (deprecated - use Eva Icons instead - https://akveo.github.io/eva-icons/) - akveo/nebular-icons Eva Icons is a pack of more than 480 beautifully crafted Open Source icons for common actions and items.

Akveo icons

Dark Teal Blue # Akveo retains ownership of the Bundle but grants you the license on these terms.
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Akveo icons

Nebular icons (deprecated - use Eva Icons instead - https://akveo.github.io/eva-icons/) - akveo/nebular-icons Eva Icons is a pack of more than 480 beautifully crafted Open Source icons for common actions and items. Additionally, Eva Icons supports 4 animation types: zoom , pulse , shake and flip . Download on desktop to use them in your digital products for Web, iOS and Android.

We were continually impressed with Akveo's project management skills, and the quality of their deliverables. akveo/eva-icons is licensed under the MIT License.
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Star our GitHub repo ⭐ Create pull requests, submit bugs, suggest new features or documentation updates 🔧 Read us on Medium; Follow us on Twitter 🐾 Like our page on Akveo.Design | We are a multidisciplinary design team, specializing in Branding, Web & Mobile applications, Websites, Design Systems, and more. We use the latest technologies & low code tools to help business & startups launch fast & achieve their goals. | Connect with them on Dribbble; the global community for designers and creative professionals. Pack: Eva Outline Icons Por akveo (243 Iconos) Diseñador: akveo Categorias: Interfaz de usuario y Gestos · Estilo: Outline , Flat · Licencia: Apache 2.0 Customizable Angular UI Library based on Eva Design System with 40+ UI components, 4 visual themes, Auth and Security modules Eva Icons is a pack of more than 480 beautifully crafted Open Source icons for default system actions and navigation. Icons are provided in two visual types: Solid and Outline. Compatible with: Sketch, Figma.