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Márton Perlaki. Hungarian photographer currentlty living in New York. ……………………….. Hello Márton, how are you?

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Marton Perlaki, Personal Work Milky-hued and subdued, Perlaki's photographs blend still lives of the seemingly banal with sculptural representations of the human form. Choreography and gesture play a big part in his work, and he's driven by the desire to examine the potential strangeness of a situation or a physical exchange that can be rendered by an image. Below, Aaron Schuman, Marton Perlaki, Cary Fagan, Tami Aftab, Kalpesh Lathigra, M’hammed Kilito present their responses. Aaron Schuman. When I was nine-years-old, I climbed halfway up a cliff on the coast of Maine, where I then froze with fear, clinging to the rock face while realizing that I had no idea how to get back down.

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A 2000-es években a The Room magyar divatmagazin egyik alapítója és képszerkesztője volt. Marton Perlaki (1982, Budapest) is an artist with a background in cinematography and photojournalism. He co-founded Anglo-Hungarian biannual publication The Room in 2004 where he worked as a photo editor until 2015.

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— 16.11.2016. Future · Past. Artists. Aamu Salo · Aapo Nikkanen · Aaron Alexander   May 17, 2013 - It's not often you come across a photographer who is consistently amazing, whilst at the same time pushing boundaries. Marton Perlaki is doing  [intense ethereal whooshing].

Marton perlaki

Élete és munkássága. Fotóriporterként, majd a Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem filmoperatőr szakán végzett. A 2000-es években a The Room magyar divatmagazin egyik alapítója és képszerkesztője volt. Press. 1854 - British Journal of Photography | Hannah Abel-Hirsch: For Marton Perlaki, less is more ››› Important information concerning the pandemic COVID-19: For our common protection, it is mandatory to wear a mask that covers both the mouth and nose in all spaces of Trafó. Marton Perlaki. Information Index.
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Marton perlaki

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The Room 15 Marton Perlaki on: 16.66 K Web and social links.
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bryant: Claire. So my answer must be “forever,” which is a very happy thought. Photo: Marton Perlaki for The Aston Martin Magazine. Posted by: admin 17:56. Helnwein, Solve Sundsbo och Marton Perlaki.