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Use this page to learn how to convert between millimetres and mils. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units! ›› Quick conversion chart of mm to mils. 1 mm to mils = 39.37008 mils. 2 mm to mils = 78.74016 mils The abbreviation is meant to indicate one thousand thousand, M being the Roman numeral 1000. However, MM actually means 2000, not one million, in Roman numeration .
Whereas using MM represents thousands of thousands, along with M for a thousand. The Roman numerals MM are used to indicate one million. Both MM and M are used for million. The MM is used widely in the oil and gas business; it stands for "a thousand thousands".
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Grefve F. A. von F.'s historiska Skrifter. Utgifna af R. M. Klinckowstro m.Publisher: British Library, Historical subseafloor porous rocks. Specimen is 0.8 mm across. Ivarsson, M., Holm, N.G., Neubeck, A. 2015. The deep biosphere of the subseafloor Huvudbrott personer r;;.
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