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How to Sail 1 Solution Focused Brief Therapy Questions Goal Setting Questions • What would you like to see happen by the end of our session today? (or when we finish counseling The model most researched derived from the Eco-Structural agenda is the Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT) (Szapocznik, 2000). The other major theory that influenced the development of Family Centered Treatment is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) (Johnson, 2000). The BSFT intervention works well for families with poor behavior management and problematic relationships.The intervention identifies patterns of family interaction and improves them to restore effective parental leadership and involvement with the youth.BSFT also seeks to reduce drug use and delinquency in youth.BSFT therapists meet weekly with families and work with all family members. Care First use a brief solution-focused therapy (BSFT) model. This is a short-term counselling approach which allows flexibility. It is evidence-based and has been shown to be effective and successful.

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Instead, SFBT targets clients’ default solution patterns, evaluates them for efficacy, and modifies or replaces them with problem-solving approaches that work (Focus on Solutions, 2013). Robbins et al., (2011b) was excluded because focus was on therapist adherence to the BSFT treatment model, and Szapocznik et al., (1986) was excluded because focus was on a comparison between conjoint and one‐person family therapy. Santisteban et al., (1997) was excluded for having a behavioral focus. Other reasons for exclusion Juvenile Justice Unit, Model Fidelity Q. What is BSFT? A. Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT) is a short-term (12-15 sessions), structured, and problem-focused approach to the treatment of behavioral problems including but not limited to association with antisocial peers, early drug use, bullying, and truancy. A. An overview of Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT), a family-based, empirically validated intervention designed to treat children and adolescents' problem behaviors is presented. In its implementation, BSFT is a very flexible model.

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The Brief Strategic Family Therapy® Institute The Premier Center for Development and Testing of Minority Family Therapy Interventions Casey Family Foundation Report Highlights the BSFT Model In 2013, New York City Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) began an innovative social welfare program, the first of its kind in the United States. BSFT therapists must adhere to the treatment model to assure fidelity and, thus, successful outcomes. Research on EBP implementation—including BSFT— indicates that an adherence phase is particularly important. One month after Competency is achieved, the Adherence Program begins.


Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT) BSFT was developed at the Centre for Family Studies at the University of Miami by Jose Szapocznik and his team (Szapocznik et al., 2002, 2015). BSFT aims to How to Sail To implement evidence-based practices such as BSFT, organizations write grants to a variety of funding sources, but those opportunities seem to slow down in the summer. “That’s a situation we want to help relieve somehow,” said the model co-developer Olga Hervis.

Bsft model

The length of intervention is tailored to the special needs of each family-and. consequently, dosage varies from family to family.
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Bsft model

The BSFT model is a trauma sensitive, culturally competent, strength-based model. Within the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse, it the only model rated well-supported in all 3 of these categories: mental health, substance abuse and in home parent skills. Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT) is a short-term, family-based therapeutic intervention model that targets children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years. BSFT was designed to eliminate or reduce drug use and associated behavior problems and to restructure problematic family interactions. BSFT is a strategic approach that uses pragmatic, problem-focused, and planned interventions that improve relationships in the family and helps parents develop strong, consistent, and effective parenting skills.

Second, patterns of interaction in the family influence the behavior of each family member. The role of the BSFT counselor is to identify the patterns of family interaction that are associated with the adolescent's behavior problems. The authors of the approach identify two principal goals of BSFT: 1) the symptom focus of the intervention aims to “…eliminate or reduce the adolescent’s use of drugs and associated problems”; and 2) the system focus emphasizes changes to “…family interactions that are associated with the adolescent’s drug abuse.” (Szapocznik, Hervis & Schwartz, 2003, p. 3).
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Nationella Riktlinjer - Socialstyrelsen

Implement BFST at full capacity and full fidelity by September 30, 2021.