ServerSmash 62 - Emerald [TR] vs Emerald [VS] - Indar 2016 - PSB2


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Desolation saw fierce action this past weekend, as the top 45 Outfits across all 5 server regions went head-to-head-to-head in j0, Soltech Bronze has VS vs VS. (3) Soltech IT assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, loss, long term. r/Soltech: A subreddit for the Planetside 2 Asian Server "Soltech". Häng med i PlanetSide 2-VOD:en nu. ServerSmash 62 - Emerald [TR] vs Emerald [VS] - Indar 2016 - PSB2 [ENG] Outfit Wars : Soltech Bronze Bracket!

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Gold Rank Match is between [YLBT] YLB Hero Ar PlanetSide 2 game community website. Developers just announce that a new big update named The Shattered Warpgate will go Live to PC servers on October, 1. If you happen to be an Aussie who likes to play PlanetSide 2, listen up: Your regional server is about to be merged and put down. On Tuesday, August 27th, at 9:00 a.m. EDT, the Briggs server will merge with the Japanese SolTech server.

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3 Score: 1094 [SOXY] Remember PlanetSide 2 Fisu VoidWell PS2 SolTech isnt even a Chinese server, its based in Tokyo and there are many nationalities that play there from Japanese to Koreans to SEA to Australians and so on. Such a large and diverse playerbase should have access to our own moderation especially given RPG being based in America so understandably, RPG cannot respond as fast as we would like them to during major player incidents like this. Suicidal tendancies PC ranking Soltech VS. PC PS4. Servers.

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Close. 109. They went and recruited some of the best pilots on the server who were willing to play According to Planetside 2 Twitter all worlds will be offline April, 8 for Daybreak-wide, necessary, but unplanned network maintenance beginning at 5:30 AM PT (14:30 CEST). Downtime is expected to last until around 12PM PT (21:00 CEST) or about 6,5 hours.

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Factions. All New Conglomerate Terran 40 members. Activity: 24 %.
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Allowed movement between Connery and Soltech. Being worked on as a PRIORITY and being setup RIGHT NOW. 157 comments.

Do not name and shame without actually confirming players' killboards. Twitch: Hello everybody!
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ServerSmash 62 - Emerald [TR] vs Emerald [VS] - Indar 2016 - PSB2

Real-time problems and outages for PlanetSide2.