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Sectra-arkiv - Murgata Equity Research

A teacher and a group of students can gather around the Table and its 55” screen to discuss and interact with the medical images. Control can easily be transferred from one person to another, encouraging group discussions and teamwork. Sectra launched the Sectra Visualization Table, a multi-touch display for interacting collaboratively with real-size 3D images generated by CT and MRI scanners to gain a deeper understanding and insight into bodily functions and processes. Sectra Table is ideal for problem-based learning and developing critical thinking. With the right cases, the table allows students take on an exploratory approach to their education.

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A teacher and a group of students can gather around the Table and its 55” screen to discuss and interact with the medical images. Control can easily be transferred from one person to another, encouraging group discussions and teamwork. Sectra offers an enterprise imaging solution comprising PACS for imaging-intense departments (radiology, pathology, cardiology, orthopaedics), VNA, and share and collaborate solutions. For numerous consecutive years, Sectra has been awarded ‘Best in KLAS’ for highest customer satisfaction. Contact us Visit the Sectra Group website Sectra Table F18 Improved medical education and training Sectra Table allows medical staff and students to gain an enhanced understanding of the body’s anatomy and func-tions, the variation between individuals and of more unusu - al diseases.

Kurshistorik - Historik för alla aktier på börsen Finansportalen

tis, dec 02, 2014 08:55 CET. Sectra Table. Sectra Visualization Table · Lågupplöst · Medelupplösning · Originalupplösning  Sök tjänsten på http://xamera.se/lediga-tjanster/?mtrid=448&mtrpage=assignment. 9 apr.

Kurshistorik - Historik för alla aktier på börsen Finansportalen

SECTRA Virtual Dissection Table - 1 year Education Portal Item No. 1021917 Weight 300 kg Dimensions 75.6 x 160 x 75.6 cm Brand SECTRA MPN: F18 Previous Item No. 1019814 Read More Categories: Virtual Dissection Table sem@semtrainers.com, semtrainersvalsad@gmail.com www.semtrainers.com Sectra’s visualization table is a large touch screen with an image viewing program. The 3D images are taken by modern computer tomography and magnetic resonance cameras. With Sectra’s solution, students gain access to a multitude of actual patient cases, which means, for example, that they can study anatomic variations and disease progression in many different individuals.

Sectra table

Sectra Board A22 Improved medical education and training Sectra helps medical students improve their understanding of anatomy and physiology, the variation between indivi-duals, and unusual diseases and injuries. The Sectra Board provides an alternative to the Sectra Table for accessing the Education Portal, and allows the user to share patient ca- SECTRA Virtual Dissection Table - 1 year Education Portal Item: 1021917 SECTRA is one of the world’s leading providers of IT systems for managing medical images and patient information with more than 1,800 installations worldwide. About Sectra. Driven by knowledge and passion, our vision is to contribute to a healthier and safer society.
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Sectra table


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Rörelseresultat, 99,7, 50,2, 98  Dessutom ges en uppdatering inom AI, nationell svarsmall i INCA/Sectra och ett förslag till Poster session with poster price and round table discussions. 31 mars 2017 — fun dining i vår restaurang Kitchen and Table by Marcus Samuelsson. Created Date: 4272009 1: 14: 57 PM Sectra conduct development  en responsiv design har visualiseringsbordet – virtual autopsy table, gjort succé. Det är ett samarbete mellan Linköpings universitet, Sectra och Interactive  General; Chart · Streaming charts · Interactive Chart 96.94, -1.26, -1.28%, 3.25​M, 16:04:08. Sectra, 675.50, 687.00, 661.00, -7.00, -1.03%, 15.11K, 16:01:49. Här kommer femte och näst sista delen av genomgång Aktieportföljen . Den delen innefattar analys av följande bolag: Sectra; Resurs Holding; SARSYS-  MSB har en uttalad samordningsroll och när det gäller övriga myndigheter med uppgifter inom området informationssäkerhet sker dessutom ett formaliserat  Få detaljerad information om Fingerprint Cards AB ser.