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Personeriadistritaldesantamarta 740-489 Phone Numbers
9,040 people like this. Like. Liked. Message Makorra - I can't lose you. Mako tries Avatar Korra is the lead character in Nickelodeon's "The Legend of Korra". While there, Korra meets brothers, firebender Mako and earthbender Bolin — and 23 Dec 2014 I love legend of korra but I don't like the fact that korasami is real mako and kora was perfect now crazy XXX videos will be coming soon now its 29 Dec 2014 Saying that they don't have conflict like mako and Korra (even katara and Aang argue) did where after they argue they get over it and saying Though Mako seems cold and indifferent, he is fiercely dedicated to his friends and family and will do anything to protect the ones he loves.
FYIin 21 days my opinions have changed on AsamiI still ship Makorra but I don't dislike Asami much now. 2015-01-07 Mako and Korra - Makorra, Gatesville, Texas. 2,740 likes · 4 talking about this. Hi, this page dedicate to the Avatar Korra and firebender Mako. I hope that you like this page and please like :) Korra might or might not have fixed him (she might not know there was something wrong), but if she did, Mako's confidence in his lightning bending has been frazzled to the point where he doesn't feel like he could without killing himself.
Enjoying her sake Tatekawa Mako [1920x1080] Mjukporr
Her relationship with Korra didn't start well, since Korra was jealous of Asami's relationship with her then love interest Mako. However, they eventually became friends and Asami didn't resent Korra when Mako broke up with her to be with Korra.
Don't mind me, I'm just a son of a gun -
Facebook. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? Sign Up. Korra and Mako break up. The Legend of Korra.
Genuinely cares about his brother and his heart is in the right place. Also him as a cop!! He seems like a typical 18/19 year old
In Korra’s case we see her being attracted to Mako because he was attractive (or so we’re told) and a good bender, and then we never really see it go any deeper than that. But Mako doesn’t even have those shallow reasons to like Korra. He just magically falls in love with her for no apparent reason. Let’s break it down by episodes.
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He’s not perfect but he’s not terrible either. Yes, the advancement, given the relatively short span between ATLA and TLOK, does seem like a bit too big of a leap. But I personally like the old-timey, and yet, somewhat modern setting of Korra . Korra, Mako and Bolin are the only ones left fighting the gang, the rest of the bender have either helped escape with some of the ghetto dwellers or are down.
In the Last Airbender, They had love sequences but it wasn't shoved in our face like it is here.
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Personeriadistritaldesantamarta 760-259 Phone Numbers
Genuinely cares about his brother and his heart is in the right place. Also him as a cop!! He seems like a typical 18/19 year old 2020-06-01 2017-12-07 2012-05-11 (scream!) I was soo happy! 2017-11-10 I myself am hoping that Korra gets to live a long, and happy life.