Bostadslöshet som problem och politik: aktuell nordisk forskning


Ample monetary stimulus is creating space for structural

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Wage formation affects unemployment in the long and short run. The wage is the “price” paid by the employer for its labour force and it is of  What is Unemployment? Find out in the IMF's Back to Basics video series. E Kazamaki Ottersten, E Mellander, EM Meyerson, J Nilson. IUI working paper, 1994. 6, 1994. Sectoral shocks and structural unemployment: An empirical  Arbetslöshetsgrad (unemployment rate).

A Search Theoretical Analysis of the Finnish Unemployment

(economics) A type of unemployment explained by a mismatch between the requirements of the employers and the properties (such as skills, age, gender or  av H Bennmarker · 2005 · Citerat av 72 — The two-tiered structure was implemented by means of a substantial (+17 percent) increase in benefits for spells up to 20 weeks. The 2002 reform involved equally  Svensk översättning av 'structural unemployment' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online.

PDF Integration på egen hand: En studie av invandrade

Moving workers from old jobs to new jobs is often a messy, long and costly business, in both economic and social terms.

Structural unemployment

As technology changes the way things are done, it creates different jobs for people implementing the improved processes and equipment. Structural unemployment may also be encouraged to rise by persistent cyclical unemployment: if an economy suffers from longlasting low aggregate demand, it means that many of the unemployed become disheartened, and their skills (including job-searching skills) become "rusty" and obsolete. Structural unemployment occurs frequently due to new technological advances which make many skills in many people obsolete.
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Structural unemployment

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Even worse, months later, many jobless peo Unemployment occurs when people who are available and looking for work are unable to find a job.
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unemployment - Engelsk-svensk ordbok -

Structural unemployment is persistent, long term and difficult to reduce. Some people worry that technology causes structural unemployment. In the past, new technologies have put lower skilled employees out of work, but at the same time they create demand for higher skilled workers to use the new technologies. Structural unemployment is the unemployment that exists when wages do not adjust to equilibrium such that the number of job-seekers exceed the number of available jobs even in an economic boom. Structural unemployment results from inability of labor market to arrive at the market-clearing wage at which the number of workers are just equal to Structural change causes temporary but long-lasting unemployment. Because they lack the skills required in novel jobs, unskilled workers go through a prolonged period of unemployment and low wages until they retrain.