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Institut Français de la Mode is a higher education institution, a training center for apprentices, a provider of executive education, as well as a center of expertise for the textiles, fashion and luxury industries. "A MOOC is a platform that is alive," continues Benjamin Simmenauer. "The students form a community in which they can interact with each other, ask us questions and approach each module in their own way. " The only obligation: access the course every week. Institut Français de la Mode launches its first ever MOOC. Open to a wide and international audience, this massive open online course is available on the British platform FutureLearn.
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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are internet-based courses, free of charge, that have incredibly large numbers of students. In a typical MOOC has specific start and end dates, a more-or-less defined topic of study, facilitator/s, and assessments. 🇬🇧 Shooting the final sequence of our MOOC on fashion with Simon Porte @jacquemus (who took part in our IFM Labels program in 2015). The MOOC will be available free of charge on @futurelearn towards the end of 2019. This will build on the work that IFM-SEI undertook in 2015 in Europe and the Middle East on peace education, culminating in the publication of the Peace Education Handbook. This project will focus on Asia, Africa and Latin America, and it a much needed project exploring one of our key values of peace through non-formal education. The Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) is offering online courses for the first time through a partnership with FutureLearn, an online platform used by 10 million people across the world.
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2019-11-19 · Hosted by the FutureLearn platform under the supervision of Benjamin Simmenauer Ecole Normale Superieure graduate and teacher at the IFM, the MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) gives one a transdisciplinary approach to the phenomena of contemporary fashion. ‘I designed the course to be open to all. Chaire IFM-Kering - Mini reportage Sustainability. Dressed to express.
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Fish well-being now measurable with app 🐟 Our research group in aquaculture systems at @[326689704512469:274:ZHAW Ecological Engineering] has developed in cooperation with the @[722027814661253:274:BLW Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft] an app called ′′ MyFishCheck ′′ for systematic capture and evaluation of fish welfare 💡 In our recent Launched Massive Open Online Course (MOOC… Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) is a public university in Malaysia, based primarily in Shah Alam, Malaysia. Established in 1956 as the RIDA (Rural & Industrial Development Authority) Training Centre (Malay: Dewan Latihan RIDA), it opened to some 50 students with a focus to help the rural Malays.
This training event was the second in our ambitio…
Offered in English and subtitled in French, the MOOC will be taught over four weeks, from May 11 to June 5, 2015. Registration is already open (click here ). The course is not only the first of its kind, but also innovates by bringing together three key players with interrelated interests.
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Parmi ces textes (liste détaillée ci-dessous), voici notamment un extrait de Ethique et infini (Emmanuel Lévinas, 1982) : L'IFM se lance dans les MOOC, ces cours en ligne qui permettent de tout comprendre à une thématique donnée. Ici, ils sont gratuits et ouverts à tous après inscription.
NOOOOO OOOOO MOOC. ERI EH H T EVA HYL | 1 2 3 4. CACIB VARACA Ifm gammat tie nattere, hane. Korrecta popoltonen.
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MOOC IFP School is developing several MOOCs (massive open online course), taught in English and subtitled in French, for professionals and students in the energy and transport sectors.