Panel Discussion - Feminist Animal Studies – Agenda: Jämlikhet
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století.. Hlavním zájmem CAS je etická reflexe vztahů lidí s ostatními zvířaty, pevně zakotvená v intersekcionalitě a anarch This special issue builds on an emergent body of scholarship located at the intersection of critical disability studies and critical animal studies, shedding light on ableism and speciesism as interconnecting oppressions, the ways in which animality Affect agency animal anthropocene Anthropocentrism anthropomorphism Body Climate critical animal studies critical posthumanism cyberpunk cyberspace Derrida digital ecocriticism entanglement ethics event extinction feminism film Freud Haraway Humanism intra-action Joyce liminality literature modernity myth Neuromancer new materialism nonhuman The Journal for Critical Animal Studies (JCAS) was designed to develop activist consciousness of animal liberation history, practice, theory, and politics, while also encouraging Critical Animal Studies (CAS) scholarship, one of the most progressive and dynamic modes of theory in the academy today. Posts about Critical Animal Studies written by kf. Here is a transcript of a brief talk I gave at the Institute for Critical Animal Studies symposium at Minding Animals 2012 in Utrecht, Ned on Jul 3. Critical Animal Studies: An Introduction - Ebook written by Dawne McCance. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices.
Ethics in Value Theory, Miscellaneous. $6.83 used $46.95 from Amazon (collection) Amazon page. The Deakin Critical Animal Studies Network aims to create a conceptual, reflective and empirical academic-activist space wherein animals are recognised as subjects and agents in scholarship, as social and political members, actors and stakeholders in our co-produced and co-shared planetary worlds. University of British Columbia lecture - Critical Animal Studies with undercover investigator Amy Soranno. What is more radical? Animal exploitation or anima Critical Animal Studies: An Introduction.
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Interview: Zakiyyah Iman Jackson on Becoming Human — Epistemic Unruliness 30. In this episode, Emily is delighted to
Aug 1, 2014 Critical Animal Studies: An Introduction by Dawne. McCance.
Approach for Liberation, Anthony J. Nocella II, John Sorenson, Kim Socha and Atsuko Defining Critical Animal Studies. An Intersectional Social Justice Approach for Liberation. Series: Counterpoints.
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Lund University Critical Animal Studies Network - Startsida
A Green Criminologist Perspective on Eco-Terrorism In “The Terrorization of Dissent: Corporate Repression, Legal Corruption, and the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act” Edited by Jason Del Gandio and Anthony J. Nocella 2014 Lantern Books In 2006 the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) was passed with the intention to equip law Decolonizing Critical Animal Studies, Cripping Critical Animal Studies – Conference Program; Géo-Transition: Écocitoyenneté “Le capitalisme, les animaux et la nature chez Marx” Suprématie humaine et libération animale : approches écoféministes et anarchistes dans les luttes antispécistes radicales; Animal Agency: Language 2018-11-19 · Another central tenet of the emerging field of human- animal studies is that understanding the representational nature of animal agency means that it can never simply be seen as opposed to human identity, but instead reinforces the notion that animal agents are recognizable as such only when they are presented as deeply integrated with human forms or presences, and vice versa. Linné, Tobias och Helena Pedersen "Expanding my universe : Critical Animal Studies Education as Theory, Politics and Practice". Sorenson, John (red.). Critical Animal Studies : Thinking the Unthinkable. Canadian Scholars' Press Inc. 2014, 268-283. Critical animal studies (CAS) je interdisciplinární vědecký obor a globální komunita aktivistů (od teorie k aktivismu), která vznikla na počátku 21. století..